Another third Comenius project meeting entitled „Communication through Art” took place in Scotland on 21 – 25 October 2010. The countries of cooperating representatives were the following: Poland, Turkey, Romania and Catalonia.
The vice head teacher Ewa Migas as well as Alicja Bargieł, Małgorzata Zawartka and Tomasz Podsiadło visited Saint Barbara’s Primary School in Muirhead.
The aim of the meeting was to summarise the assigned tasks, exchange experiences based on the subject of the project, discuss and put the work schedule into effect for the present term, update the list of students’ names as well as familiarising themselves with the Scottish educational system.
All the countries involved in the project were given a warm reception by the pupils, their parents’ and both head teacher and teachers. Moreover they were introduced to the local authorities. They also visited Glasgow and Edinburgh and paid a visit to the Scottish Parliament.
A glimpse of Scottish music and dance organised by all the people connected with Saint Barbara’s Primary School created an unforgettable impression.