Communicating through Art

Our school has started a new Comenius project. Its title is „Communicating through Art” .Our partners are in Spain, Scotland, Romania and Turkey. The main topic of the project is art. Pupils get to know artists from partner countries and do activities related to these artists.Each pupil has got a penpal to whom he writes emails. They exchange information not only about everyday life, hobbies etc, but also about the topic of the project. The project is aimed to develop skills in using new information technology, to motivate pupils to learn English and familiarize them with artistic heritage of partner countries

poniedziałek, 21 marca 2011

Rzeźby w stylu artysty z Rumunii- Constantina Brancusi

Zainspirowani twórczością Brancusiego uczniowie wykonali prace wzorowane na jego rzeźbach.
dzieci z klas III c i IV a stworzyły papierową „ Wieżę nieskończoności” a uczniowie klas V a, IV a i IV d
wykonali rzeźbę „ Ptak w przestrzeni”.

Tak powstawała „Wieża nieskończoności” 


Tak powstawała rzeźba „ Ptak w przestrzeni”

Sculptures inspired by Romanian artist- Constantin Brancusi

Inspired by the art of Brancusi students made their own sculptures. Classes III c and V a made of
paper “ The Endless tower” and pupils from class V a, IV a and IV d made sculptures ‘ “Bird in space”